
Top 2 Ways to Clear Your Hard Drives

Last week, Back Thru The Future launched a new free hard drive shredding program for consumers. Businesses have a lot more options when it comes to disposing of their IT equipment and hard drives, but many people still want to donate or sell their old equipment....

” Computer Recycling Near Me “

If you’ve ever opened up a browser and typed “ Computer recycling near me “ in order to get rid of excess IT equipment, you may have unknowingly put your company in danger. Google will give you a list of computer recyclers within a relatively short distance to your...
How and Why to Destroy Hard Drives

How and Why to Destroy Hard Drives

Maybe you have a few old personal computers in the back of a closet. Or maybe you’re a very small business with a few laptops to dispose of.  It’s important to make sure you’re not giving someone access to all of the personal data stored on your computer. That means...