
Top 2 Ways to Clear Your Hard Drives

Last week, Back Thru The Future launched a new free hard drive shredding program for consumers. Businesses have a lot more options when it comes to disposing of their IT equipment and hard drives, but many people still want to donate or sell their old equipment....

Donating Electronic Devices

USA Today ran an article last year about consumers cleaning and organizing their homes during the pandemic. The author stated that many homeowners were clearing our closets, garages, and attics and listing items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace or donating their...

Device Destruction- An important lesson

There’s an important lesson about device destruction that businesses can learn from a grocery story chain in New Jersey. Remember back in November 2020? Businesses are struggling to swim against the tide of pandemic safety concerns, lockdowns, and guidance. One...

Old Computers in an Unlocked Closet

On a recent rainy Monday, one of our clients dropped off some computer equipment at around 8am. He was grateful that I had gotten into the office early, as he was worried that nobody would be in. I held the door for him while he brought in some computer equipment he...