
Problems with Recycling?

Let’s say you have some computers for recycling. You know there are some passwords saved on there, and maybe some banking info or some saved files. But you only have a few computers and you just want to get rid of them. You bring them to your local garbage...


Recycling Computers Recycling computers is required by law in at least 25 states, but it’s also the most environmentally responsible and safe way to dispose of obsolete equipment. According to the EPA, “Electronic products are made from valuable resources...

” Computer Recycling Near Me “

If you’ve ever opened up a browser and typed “ Computer recycling near me “ in order to get rid of excess IT equipment, you may have unknowingly put your company in danger. Google will give you a list of computer recyclers within a relatively short distance to your...
How and Why to Destroy Hard Drives

How and Why to Destroy Hard Drives

Maybe you have a few old personal computers in the back of a closet. Or maybe you’re a very small business with a few laptops to dispose of.  It’s important to make sure you’re not giving someone access to all of the personal data stored on your computer. That means...