
Stop! What’s on that Hard Drive? Was it wiped, are you positive?

A major issue when retiring IT Assets, especially loose electronic media, is knowing that you’ve properly accounted for securing your data on the electronic media before you recycle or dispose of it.

Whether it’s opening a storage room door to find computers stacked to the ceiling, or opening a file cabinet drawer to find old hard drives you’ve set aside from the constant upgrading required by the ever changing environments you are managing, you need to stay organize and secure throughout the process.

Back Thru The Future is here to help you navigate the waters to insure a   secure, auditable, green path of destruction for all types of electronic media your business encounters.

“No one wants their data compromised, and there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. Data is going to get harder to protect, and electronic media is getting harder and harder to detect.”

So, This is Where You Need To Start:

Get your electronics and media into a secure container

The easiest way to handle media is to deposit any unwanted media in a secure container. Back Thru The Future has three different sizes of containers to fit your needs. Whether you’re a small office or a large corporation, we have drop slot access only containers that make for an uncompromised storage of your media. From there we can set up pickups and drop offs of new containers where we can shred your data before it even leaves the premises! Now that you know how simple it can be, give us a call and we’ll help you settle the details! 973-823-9752 Don’t like talking over the phone?

Coming Soon… “Introducing…. THE MEGALODON!”