
Problems with Recycling?

Let’s say you have some computers for recycling. You know there are some passwords saved on there, and maybe some banking info or some saved files. But you only have a few computers and you just want to get rid of them. You bring them to your local garbage...


Recycling Computers Recycling computers is required by law in at least 25 states, but it’s also the most environmentally responsible and safe way to dispose of obsolete equipment. According to the EPA, “Electronic products are made from valuable resources...

The Cost of Data Security

Part of the cost of data security is the cost of what happens when there’s a data breach. That’s a high cost, and it illustrates just how important data security really is. The IBM Security- Ponemon Institute “2022 Cost of Data Breach” has been...

Data Breaches in Healthcare

2021 has seen quite a few data breaches, especially in the healthcare field. Some of those breaches lead to business disruption and legal actions. Over 40 million patient records may have been exposed, and those are just the ones that have been reported. Healthcare IT...

Data Security

Protecting Your Data as it Walks Out the Door Everyone knows why data security is important. In fact, it gets more important every year. In 2020, approximately 59 zettabytes were consumed worldwide. While that number might be an all time high due to Covid related...