White Papers: The Importance of Serial Number Chain of Possession Documentation
You Must Retain Auditable Records for 3 Years | Secure Electronics Destruction
Regulators and Auditors want details. The ability to identify a specific machine serial number associated to a legally valid environmental compliance certificate is fundamental to closing your environmental liability. Most environmental compliance regulations also require that you annually report your electronic recycling activity by weight Our EPA audit report which accompanies every projects’ environmental compliance certificate is a detailed report listing the manufacturer, model, description, serial number, and weight of every item of equipment received and processed. In addition, the report contains a summary listing of the total quantities of each type of equipment received providing a valuable overview of each project for asset management purposes.
Our Unique Compliance Library Tool: Compliance Library Our is a cloud based document archive. All of your individual project records are maintained within this password protected archive and are available to you 24/7. In addition the “Compliance Library” maintains a year to date compilation by equipment type and weights by location for all your project activity.
Understand the Risk of IT Asset Remarketing: Remarketing a serial numbered IT asset extends your environmental responsibility and liability. You lose control of your serial number chain of possession audit trail. Learn why a no cost or low cost recycling quote is a warning sign.
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